Home > Exhibitions >MPEX-4800RS mobile impact crusher equipped with high-capacity dual-slope screen

MPEX-4800RS mobile impact crusher equipped with high-capacity dual-slope screen



Mobile, track-mounted impact crushing plants are the most common type of crusher used in a range of recycling and construction applications, including C&D, concrete and asphalt recycling. Today's compact, low-weight, highly mobile plants are easy to transport, offer fast loading and short setup times, and are ideal for operation in urban environments, roadside, on construction sites and at the recycling yard. 

The latest model impactors feature modern design, with sophisticated control and monitoring systems, low noise and dust levels, as well as simple maintenance engineering and built-in ease of use for operators. These plants can also be integrated with the latest screening technology and other high-tech components, including conveyors, magnets and options designed to add versatility and productivity for processing a wide range of materials.

MPEX mobile impact crushing plant

MPEX mobile impact crushing plant, the MPEX-4800RS, is fully equipped with a high-capacity dual-slope screen and a return conveyor, which can be transported as a single unit on a low-bed trailer. It is ideal for custom crushing contractors, large asphalt paving contractors, road builders, demolition contractors, recyclers and material producers. These machines provide production capacity of up to 350 TPH without sacrificing mobility and are ideal for on-site crushing. 

mpex-4800RS mobile impact crusher

The dual-slope screen and radial return conveyor provide high on-board screening capacity and makes the MPEX-4800RS easy to operate in closed and open circuits. The screening unit can be docked in just a few minutes, and units can be fine-tuned for aggregate, quarry or recycling applications, including asphalt, top soil, concrete and demolition waste, with features like a vibrating grizzly or pan feeder under the crusher.

Operation of the MPEX-4800RS is safe and easy, with wireless remote control function.
In addition, the MPEX-4800RS features a 5-cubic-metre hopper, over-belt magnetic separator, wind sifter for light fractions. Plus, optimized material flow is assured due to an integrated pre-screening unit with lateral discharge conveyor. 

